Glitter and Glamour.

Okay, lets get back into things and what a perfect way to return to blogging! Glitter! I have recently been talking with a company called Glamour by DKUK. Have you ever wondered where all these girls on social media get their fancy make up brushes, (Who doesn't want unicorn brushes?!) interesting beauty blenders and the new fad; 'Insta Smile'? I had a good look around the website and I love all the various products, they are mostly a fashion brand, but today I am talking about the accessories that they offer. 

With starting uni I did go through the necessary Freshers week and lived to tell the tail. Sleep was limited and the dancing was everything, so being able to wear glitter was fantastically fun! Me and my friends played around with where we would put it and what colours we would use. My personal favourite was the gold glitter on the top of my cheeks like a very extra highlighter. 
It is so easy to apply, I used a makeup brush to put it onto my face and I'll be honest it will stay all night. I thought that I took most of it off before went to bed because you should always remove your makeup before bed...but I did find glitter on my pillow in the morning so its staying power has good and less good points. 

I am going to be posting about this company again and again I the future so if you have any questions about the products or the ordering then please ask! The standard delivery is 2-4 days and you have 14 days to return items. I really hope that you have a look around!

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