1st Blog Anniversary!

I never thought I would get to this. It has been one year since I began this blog and what a year it has been. Its had ups and downs, but my blog has been a constant pleasure. I started it, because I so desperately wanted to talk about clothes and makeup as my friends aren't that interested. 
I'm a little amazed that I lasted a whole year, so my sister and I made this cake to celebrate. It is the most sugar filled thing I have ever eaten. It is melted marshmallow mixed with rice crispy and then covered with an assortment of sweets. 

I just wanted to say I big massive Thank you to anyone who has ever commented, shared or even looked at one of my post. It brings me such joy, so I hope you have enjoyed reading at least one post I've done.
These are some of my favorite posts.

My first post; Monochrome.





  1. WOW, that is quite the cake, haha! Congrats on one year :) It's a great achievement, that's for sure!


    1. Thanks Erin! I'm quite surprised that I lasted this long. X
