"If you like piña Caladas"

I appologise for the bad tittle but I couldn't help myself and I get that song in my head every time I use these Body Shop products. They were a gift from my best friend as a little joke because we sing that song a lot and because she knows I love all things body shop. 
I have annoyingly sensitive skin so I have to be careful about what products I let come into contact with my skin. I never need to worry about the body shop even though it isn't as natural as lush some would say. But I truly forget this when I smell of cocoanut and pineapple and it's very enjoyable having family and friends asking if anyone else can smell cocoanut and I can say smugly yes that's me.  

I am not new to the body shops famous body butter so I'll keep it simple; ifs you want to be mouterized and smell delightful then this is for you. I really love the sorbet even though it's not something I would pick but I've really used it a lot due to its beautiful consistency. It's like a mouterizer that will soak into your skin and is a real treat for your skin. I actually used it when shaving just because it was near to me and I'm very glad that it worked very well, but that is definitely not what it is meant for so maybe don't try it. 

Finally this body scrub is beautiful. It's so smooth and soft which is not what you look for in a scrub but seriously people. It's perfect. I'm fed up of having my skin scrubbed red raw when I just want to exfoliate one layer and not all of my skin. It's like a cream with small pieces that gently get rid of your dead skin and of course you smell amazing after. I would recommend using this product before shaving because our skin goes through some hard work so when using razors you should use something that's kind to your skin and won't irritate unnecessarily.

What skin products do you like?   

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